pic by: Joel Hiljanen

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Face of God at the Trash Bar, Brooklyn

Did New York had really enough of Face of God? "Since we took all the cocaine that was on the market, we have to move on to Washington and Philadelphia now" Lende was kidding on stage with the New Yorkers. Nobody had enough of them!!! Brooklyn Trash Bar was a perfect venue, small but with a bad ass rock´n´roll attitude. Bassist Benjamin got shirtless once again, the temperature in New York City is just too much to handle. Very great show in Brooklyn, now the guys moved on to Washington were they meet up with Metal Underground for an interview. The link to the interview will be published here when it is online. Thank you Face of God once more for a great gig and enjoy America. New York was awesome <3

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

NEW YORK CITY, Otto´s Shrunken Head

Welcome Face of God to the US. Yesterday the punk rock place Otto´s Shrunken Head presented a rock night with a couple of bands. Face of God was one of them and definitely showed what they can. The audience was impressed, a lot of people gave so much positive feedback to the guys after the performance. Frontman Leo Stillman opened the show up with a small stand-up comedy try and confused the people, but hei it was just a joke they are one of Finland´s best rock bands not a stand-up.
The small punk rock place on the 14th East in Manhattan heated up very fast and the guys on their way getting naked encouraging the audience to join :) Alright no naked party, but a hell of a great show. New York, you definitely need a band like Face of God!!!!
The next show will be on 23rd in the Trash bar, Brooklyn. Be there don´t miss it out!!!