Sunday night 29.07.2012 Leo Stillman from Face of God was performing solo with a lot
of other artists in Bar Bäkkäri. Acoustic performances for a birthday party.
Strong Addiction Seba and Heikki and also Ville and Eero from the band "The Liar" were
giving guitar sounds and voices to its best. Lende´s voice was very strong and
the acoustic performance was again a candy for everybodies ear. Spontaneity Pete
Parkkonen showed up in the end. He gave his powerful voice to its best and
joined Lende in the end with the performance of the Face of God song "Bad".
Everybody tried to sing the oohhhhooooohhhhoooo with them, but it didn’t went
that well people were already too tipsy. Pete Parkkonen gave his best to
perform with Lende together also if it wasn’t voluntarily, Leo just put him
into the spotlight and he needed to join. Great show, we all had a lot of fun
to watch this. A big thank you to everybody that attended the acoustic night more or
less voluntarily :)

pic by: Joel Hiljanen
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Face of God @ On The Rocks
insane!!! On the Rocks yesterday night. Face of God was performing with Scene
D´ Chryme. Around 11.30 pm in the night the guys enter to the stage and the
audience was supporting so much as never before. Lot of people came to see the
gig as well lot of friends. Everybody had a lot of fun and were singing,
dancing and rocking out to the best alternative rock music in town. Crazy
lyrics that pop up in your mind and are loved by everyone are very welcome.
Brilliant new songs were performed. "Dance" was one of the new songs
and came along with strong beats and Leo Stillman´s great voice. An all the
time getting more powerful voice and the sound is improving to its best.
Benjamin our blond bass player from town who slipped last weekend out of the
team to play Ozzy Osbourne covers is back now with much stronger bass riffs
than even before. Oscar needed to be careful to not break the drums that belong
to Scene D´ Chryme again, but he came along with strong beats as well. Leo
jumping into the audience is not scaring the people anymore he is just
motivating them to rock and dance more, the Helsinki Face of God audience got
use to this.
White trousers shining out of the crowd and somehow he forgot his
shirt or sparkling jacket at home, but much better that way. Perfect sounds and
a perfect look is just achieving the
goal of good show together and our Trio is getting specialists in that from
time to time. Thanx to Carlings as clothes sponsoring *hihi* The audience in On
the Rocks got definitely heated in and it was way too hot and to perfectly
sounded what we saw in that night. If you wanna get more Face of God you need
to travel to Loviisa to Backyard Rock today or join on Sunday to Bar Bäkkäri and see
Leo Stillman performing solo. He is also very talent alone, but much better in
company of Benjamin and Oscar. Face of God, we will hear so much more of those
everybody will scream again like yesterday night: WE WANT MORE!!!
Thank you
Face of God for perfect alternative rock music.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Luomustudio evening at Café Mascot
night (20.07.2012) Face of God was part
of the program of the Luomustudio evening that was organized by the Luomustudio
video production company. Sure the logo of the Tomato was everywhere. Juuso
made even 80 pieces of entrance ticket and backstage passes himself and gave it
out to the artists and guest, showing the typical Luomustudio tomato logo:
5 amazing bands were performing on the
acoustic stage in Café Mascot in Helsinki/Kallio: Father Simon, Face of God,
Black Twig, Home Junior and Wedding Crashers. Father Simon opened the evening
with a chill out rock pop music that everybody was enjoying and then it was
again once more the time of Face of God.
After the "One world tour" that
happened in month May our guys are acoustic specialists now, i bet nobody ever
stage so many acoustic shows in so little amount of time. Maybe someday they
will write a record with staging the most acoustic shows ever :) Elephant the
song that is coming with the movie 3 Simoa now to the cinemas was the song that
got videotaped from the video production company Luomustudio, with the big
tomato banner in the background every band was performing one song for the
Luomustudio video from that evening. Very talent artists and New comer bands
showed up. Face of God set a sparkel with their great acoustic sounds, as more
they perform as better they are getting. Leo Stillman learned how to engage the
audience to sing with him and clap the hands in the rhythm of the music, if we
all remember the beginning of Face of God there was a tiny, shy boy on stage
who was nervous before every show if it will work out right... now there is no
shyness anymore, lot of self-confidence and an always more improving voice.
Maybe he is still a bit nervous before the shows, but he got used to perform in
front of a crowd.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Week 28: JULY
After the great success of the "ONE WORLD" tour it is not getting quiet about our Trio. Festivals are coming up and outside gigs. This week we could enjoy Face of God at Wednesday evening on the live stage of the Esplanadi Park (Espan lava). Super sunshine, but a bit windy took lot of people to the Esplanadi Park to enjoy awesome alternative rock music. Leo Stillman came up with two new songs he presented with success on the huge live stage together with Benjamin and Oscar. Crazy minded like always, he committed that he is too drunk to make love tonight in one of his songs. Yep, can happen when you are a Fin. After the great outdoor gig of Wednesday, Leo was surprising the audience in Boothill Bar/Helsinki on Friday with a solo performance in acoustic version. He made the whole Bar sing the aaahhhhhaaaaahhhhaaaaahhhh of "Duck" and as well people needed to commitment with him that they are too drunk to make love tonight. The show must go on and Sunday it was time to enjoy great sunshine and warm weather in the Alppipuisto (park) in Helsinki where Face of God was attending the "Pitkä kuuma kesä (hot long summer) Festival" On the Sound-Inn-Paviljonki stage the guys showed their acoustic gig talent once more. People loved the happy mood sound of the songs and clapped their hands to the rhythm. "Diamantes" went again under the skin and "Bad" just made you move. A big thank you again to our guys, who are so awesome in staging live shows, really good and talent, we all adore them. Now they have their own training room in the Nightclub Nosturi, where as well HIM is training those days. Face of God is on the best way to join to the very famous once, one day.
If you wanna see them live, which is more than worth here are the upcoming show dates:
20.7.2012 at Cafe Mascotti in Kallio/Helsinki
27.7.2012 at On the rocks with Black Crows Break the Silence
28.7.2012 live at Backyard Rock in Lovi
22.8.2012 live at Kellari club in Helsinki (Bar Base)
....more is coming up
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