pic by: Joel Hiljanen
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Face of God, Interviews before Helldone
Benjamin Lehti the bassist of Face of God and Leo Stillman the front man gave a few interviews in the last couple of days to different music blogs and online magazines that showed an interest into the music of the band and the news that the alternative rock trio got chosen to the Helldone festival 2012 in Helsinki, Finland. The photographer Lars Johnson was providing the promotion picture he took from Face of God to the interviewers:
Find all the interviews from the link list in this blog. Here is a publish list of the newest ones. Enjoy and have fun to read it:
Mixolydian blog:
HIM Street Team Spain:
Scandik music webpage (Spanish)
Scandik music webpage (English)
"Push to fire" blog, feature artist:
His infernal magazine (Italy)
Vampire social club:
Musarysä, kaupunki TV (Internet TV): Leo in the interview
Chaos Tube Interview with Leo Stillman:
A big thank you to all the interviewers!!!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Face of God @ Liberte
Saturday night 23.11.2012 Face of God was performing their last gig before the Helldone festival. Lot of people came to see the show. Everybody had heared about the Helldone news and Face of God was proud to perform infront of so many excited people. The gig was stage in Liberte a night club in Kallio - a citypart of Helsinki-. The night went brillant for the rock trio. An international audience danced through the Face of God songs and rocked out. Leo and Benjamin created a stand - up feeling with their jokes between the music. People had fun and were laughing a lot. Oscar staged a great drum solo and the new song "Born to Loose" was a gift to HIM promoter Silke, who enjoyed the show as well. Face of God was performing that Saturday night in Liberte with The Blanko together, an other very strong and talented rock trio. Now Helldone is coming closer, the guys are looking foward to play the first time on the big stage in Tavastia.
28.12.2012 they are opening the festival as support act of HIM.
Thank you Liberte for the great music night.
28.12.2012 they are opening the festival as support act of HIM.
Thank you Liberte for the great music night.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Face of God: Opening act for Helldone
OF GOD is an alternative rock band from Helsinki, Finland. The trio performed
more than 130 gigs in Finland in less than 2 years. From the cellars of
Helsinki they will show up at 28.12.2012 on the Helldone stage in Tavastia.
Ville Valo the singer of the love metal band HIM, who is organizing the
Helldone festival over New Year’s, chose FACE OF GOD as one of the first bands
to Helldone. Silke Yli-Sirniö, HIM`s promoter was convinced and impressed from
FACE OF GOD´s talent and recommend the rock trio to Ville.
is a festival that is staged almost every year in the heart of Helsinki in
Tavastia, the most famous rock club. International audience is expected, people
from around the globe are traveling just for that specific event to Helsinki. A
New year’s festival with great acts is coming up. Together with FACE OF GOD
also other talented bands are supporting HIM: THE SKREPPERS, HELSINKI VAMPIRE
ticket sale of the festival is already over. On the 24th of
September the Helldone tickets sold out for all 4 days in less than 15 minutes.
Especially for FACE OF GOD it is a big honor to play first time on Tavastia´s
stage and that in front of a full house. “I still cannot believe that Ville
Valo chose us” says Leo Stillman frontman of FACE OF GOD. The popular rock trio
is excited about the gig and they are practicing hard to show on the final day
what a great band FACE OF GOD is.
more gig FACE OF GOD is staging before they open the Helldone festival. In the
club Liberte, Kallio, kolmas linja on the 23.11.2012 they will prove their
talent. FACE OF GOD is known for great live shows and a good sound. The band is
also working very hard in the studio. They are producing their first debut
album, which should be ready by spring 2013. The album will be a double
nonetheless, consisting of an electric (“Dead Ballads and Forgotten Love
Songs”) and an acoustic (“Illogical Psychology”) half. As well a new single
will be released at some point.
is FACE OF GOD? Leo Stillman is the front man and guitarist of the band,
Benjamin Lehti is the talented bassist and Oscar Kuutso is the drummer. All
songs FACE OF GOD is producing are written by Leo Stillman. He is kind of a
talent in song writing, very inspired by life and text and melody are just
popping up without thinking much about it. FACE OF GOD is performing music that
comes from the heart and they are scratching many different genres without
being ashamed of it, to follow not just one style of music. A very open minded
band and talent as hell ready for the show on the big stage in Tavastia during
band is happy to give interviews and tell more about their experience. Please
feel free to contact me for additional information and interviews:
- Jennifer -
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Face of God at On The Rocks
Yesterday night, the alternative rock trio Face of God staged a performance in On The Rocks, Helsinki´s best voted rock bar in 2012. The club in the downstairs of On The Rocks was crowded. The Devil I know, Attempted life and Face of God created a great atmosphere that night. Surrounded by two heavy metal bands Face of God sparkled with a gigantic sound and showed up what a three piece alternative rock band can do. Even Face of God fans from abroad travelled to Helsinki for the show in On The Rocks, this was especially to Leo Stillman the front man of the band a huge honor. He couldn´t believe it that people are actually travelling to see the band performing. Face of God is stepping up and new creative songs like were performed during the show, yesterday night. It was the first time Face of God performed the song "Born to loose" during a live show and the song gathered a lot of attention and applause. As the band entered the stage, Leo was blinding the audience again with his retro sparkling silver jacket. In the beginning the audience were quite shy, but as Lende took the jacket of and ask the people to step closer, they all warmed up and the great sound of Benjamin´s bass and Oscar´s drums made the audience dance. "Dance, what are we waiting for, what are we living for, when we don´t know where we belong". "Black in the night" was the last song and guided everybody back into the party night to enjoy a couple of drinks. Thank you Face of God once more for the great show and yes Leo, "we wanna be your guitar”.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Face of God, just a great entertainment!
Not just Ville Valo loves the music from Face of God also Green Room was packed during the show from our alternative rock trio and rocked out. Comments like "Leo Stillman, are you the next Ville Valo" got shouted out load :) What could be a better compliment than this? Also in Bar Bäkkäri an encore of the audience was screamed out "We want more". Jeah, right we just can not get enough of you guys. Thank you so much for the brilliant show of yesterday night!!!
For everybody who is even more interested how the band life of Face of God looks like, check out the brand new "Hoo Myself" video. Lende cut a few best moments togehter ;)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
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Greetings from training room, picture by Nina - Jasmin Korpi |
After a
very successful gig in the old University house of Helsinki (vanha
yliopistotalo) at 23.08.2012, the Show must go on... And it is!!! That Face of
God is a very talent alternative rock/pop band that we all knew already since a
while, but now also Ville Valo the singer of the love metal band HIM recognized
our trio. Ville liked the music of Face of God so much that he was handpicking
the band for opening the Helldone Festival this year on the mainstage of
Tavastia, Helsinki´s famous rock club. This is a very big honor for Face of
God. Leo Stillmann who is since childhood a big fan of the band HIM, was really
emotional and couldn´t believe that his band was picked out of million others.
Helldone is a festival that is organized by Ville Valo and is happening
always over the New Year’s time. This year’s first day of the Festival will be
the 28.12.2012 where Face of God will stay as first band on Tavastia´s stage
and definitely dreams will come true. Tavastia is for every band a dream to
play and lot of bands started their international career from this stage.
Normally Helldone runs 4 days and the
house is always sold out.
Well done, Face of God!!!!
Well done, Face of God!!!!
In this
month Face of God will release the brilliant cover to Hoo myself from Havana
Black. Also if the song is a cover, the own style of Face of God is
recognizable and making the song very special. Hoo myself comes along with a
great and strong guitar sound and will surprise many people who didn´t knew the
band yet!!! The movie 3 Simoa is coming out on 14.09.2012 and we all remember
the online competition where Face of God won and the song "Elephant"
is the soundtrack of the movie that is coming to the cinemas this month. This
week Thursday the guys from Face of God will also attend the official Movie
Party. Busy days are coming and a few gigs outside of Helsinki are planned as
well for this autumn.
The next upcoming gigs are:
29.9 @ Torvi, Lahti
27.9 @ Suisto-Klubi, Hämeenlinna
28.9 @ Club Simo, Lieksa
29.9 @ Bar Bäkkäri, Helsinki
28.12 @ Helldone, Tavastia (HIM)
stay tuned and follow Face of God on Facebook:
as well a German Facebook page got created, for the German fans under you:
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Leo Stillman solo @ Bar Bäkkäri
Sunday night 29.07.2012 Leo Stillman from Face of God was performing solo with a lot
of other artists in Bar Bäkkäri. Acoustic performances for a birthday party.
Strong Addiction Seba and Heikki and also Ville and Eero from the band "The Liar" were
giving guitar sounds and voices to its best. Lende´s voice was very strong and
the acoustic performance was again a candy for everybodies ear. Spontaneity Pete
Parkkonen showed up in the end. He gave his powerful voice to its best and
joined Lende in the end with the performance of the Face of God song "Bad".
Everybody tried to sing the oohhhhooooohhhhoooo with them, but it didn’t went
that well people were already too tipsy. Pete Parkkonen gave his best to
perform with Lende together also if it wasn’t voluntarily, Leo just put him
into the spotlight and he needed to join. Great show, we all had a lot of fun
to watch this. A big thank you to everybody that attended the acoustic night more or
less voluntarily :)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Face of God @ On The Rocks
insane!!! On the Rocks yesterday night. Face of God was performing with Scene
D´ Chryme. Around 11.30 pm in the night the guys enter to the stage and the
audience was supporting so much as never before. Lot of people came to see the
gig as well lot of friends. Everybody had a lot of fun and were singing,
dancing and rocking out to the best alternative rock music in town. Crazy
lyrics that pop up in your mind and are loved by everyone are very welcome.
Brilliant new songs were performed. "Dance" was one of the new songs
and came along with strong beats and Leo Stillman´s great voice. An all the
time getting more powerful voice and the sound is improving to its best.
Benjamin our blond bass player from town who slipped last weekend out of the
team to play Ozzy Osbourne covers is back now with much stronger bass riffs
than even before. Oscar needed to be careful to not break the drums that belong
to Scene D´ Chryme again, but he came along with strong beats as well. Leo
jumping into the audience is not scaring the people anymore he is just
motivating them to rock and dance more, the Helsinki Face of God audience got
use to this.
White trousers shining out of the crowd and somehow he forgot his
shirt or sparkling jacket at home, but much better that way. Perfect sounds and
a perfect look is just achieving the
goal of good show together and our Trio is getting specialists in that from
time to time. Thanx to Carlings as clothes sponsoring *hihi* The audience in On
the Rocks got definitely heated in and it was way too hot and to perfectly
sounded what we saw in that night. If you wanna get more Face of God you need
to travel to Loviisa to Backyard Rock today or join on Sunday to Bar Bäkkäri and see
Leo Stillman performing solo. He is also very talent alone, but much better in
company of Benjamin and Oscar. Face of God, we will hear so much more of those
everybody will scream again like yesterday night: WE WANT MORE!!!
Thank you
Face of God for perfect alternative rock music.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Luomustudio evening at Café Mascot
night (20.07.2012) Face of God was part
of the program of the Luomustudio evening that was organized by the Luomustudio
video production company. Sure the logo of the Tomato was everywhere. Juuso
made even 80 pieces of entrance ticket and backstage passes himself and gave it
out to the artists and guest, showing the typical Luomustudio tomato logo:
5 amazing bands were performing on the
acoustic stage in Café Mascot in Helsinki/Kallio: Father Simon, Face of God,
Black Twig, Home Junior and Wedding Crashers. Father Simon opened the evening
with a chill out rock pop music that everybody was enjoying and then it was
again once more the time of Face of God.
After the "One world tour" that
happened in month May our guys are acoustic specialists now, i bet nobody ever
stage so many acoustic shows in so little amount of time. Maybe someday they
will write a record with staging the most acoustic shows ever :) Elephant the
song that is coming with the movie 3 Simoa now to the cinemas was the song that
got videotaped from the video production company Luomustudio, with the big
tomato banner in the background every band was performing one song for the
Luomustudio video from that evening. Very talent artists and New comer bands
showed up. Face of God set a sparkel with their great acoustic sounds, as more
they perform as better they are getting. Leo Stillman learned how to engage the
audience to sing with him and clap the hands in the rhythm of the music, if we
all remember the beginning of Face of God there was a tiny, shy boy on stage
who was nervous before every show if it will work out right... now there is no
shyness anymore, lot of self-confidence and an always more improving voice.
Maybe he is still a bit nervous before the shows, but he got used to perform in
front of a crowd.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Week 28: JULY
After the great success of the "ONE WORLD" tour it is not getting quiet about our Trio. Festivals are coming up and outside gigs. This week we could enjoy Face of God at Wednesday evening on the live stage of the Esplanadi Park (Espan lava). Super sunshine, but a bit windy took lot of people to the Esplanadi Park to enjoy awesome alternative rock music. Leo Stillman came up with two new songs he presented with success on the huge live stage together with Benjamin and Oscar. Crazy minded like always, he committed that he is too drunk to make love tonight in one of his songs. Yep, can happen when you are a Fin. After the great outdoor gig of Wednesday, Leo was surprising the audience in Boothill Bar/Helsinki on Friday with a solo performance in acoustic version. He made the whole Bar sing the aaahhhhhaaaaahhhhaaaaahhhh of "Duck" and as well people needed to commitment with him that they are too drunk to make love tonight. The show must go on and Sunday it was time to enjoy great sunshine and warm weather in the Alppipuisto (park) in Helsinki where Face of God was attending the "Pitkä kuuma kesä (hot long summer) Festival" On the Sound-Inn-Paviljonki stage the guys showed their acoustic gig talent once more. People loved the happy mood sound of the songs and clapped their hands to the rhythm. "Diamantes" went again under the skin and "Bad" just made you move. A big thank you again to our guys, who are so awesome in staging live shows, really good and talent, we all adore them. Now they have their own training room in the Nightclub Nosturi, where as well HIM is training those days. Face of God is on the best way to join to the very famous once, one day.
If you wanna see them live, which is more than worth here are the upcoming show dates:
20.7.2012 at Cafe Mascotti in Kallio/Helsinki
27.7.2012 at On the rocks with Black Crows Break the Silence
28.7.2012 live at Backyard Rock in Lovi
22.8.2012 live at Kellari club in Helsinki (Bar Base)
....more is coming up
Saturday, June 9, 2012
END of ONE WORLD or just the start???
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picture by Nina-Jasmin Korpi |
After the successful ONE WORLD TOUR 60 gigs
in 31 days was a huge ending party in Bar Loose 3rd of June, a Sunday full of
great music. Lot of the ONE WORLD guest artists joined and supported Face
of God for their talent and amazing condition to play 60 gigs in a month
without any break. Singer Leo Stillman went for sure sleeping with his guitar
in the hand and still singing, because he is so addicted that he cannot stop
playing!!! Nimetön, Frankie say relax, Dylan, Teppo Vapaus, Neat Neat,
HeadHeartHands, PASA and Tracedawn were joining and performing in honour and
respect to Face of God. Great music filled the audience ears up from 7 pm till
12 pm. After the ONE WORLD TOUR is over now it is not becoming silent around
Face of God they showed what they can do Friday night 08.06.2012 in
Leppakomies, Kallio/Helsinki. Leo Stillman let the Lion out :) in form of music
and a new tattoo. Everybody was dancing and enjoyed the music. Happy people,
great music, good atmosphere and an awesome audience. “We want more”, we cannot get enough, Helsinki
is Face of God addicted. Their music is the best drug ever!!! Face of God is known
very well in Helsinki now; the ONE WORLD TOUR was a really great promotion for
our rock trio and succeeded. We will definitely hear more from Face of God
soon!!!! Yes, I know and we all cannot wait for this. :)
Here the video of the last day 20 gigs around the city center in Helsinki = ONE WORLD rocks
...and a playlist on youtube to enjoy the complete ONE WORLD TOUR once more online:
Monday, May 21, 2012
Face of God / first half
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picture by Nina-Jasmin Korpi |
Check out: for the tour dates and times and watch the video blog :) if you miss a day. Awesome music will continue, have all a great month May!!! See you again in June. Greetings from Berlin :)
Check out all the videos till now (Youtube playlist ONE WORLD):
Monday, May 7, 2012
Day 5: Tennispalatsi with Nimetön
Sunday, sunshine and Face of God inside
Tennispalatsi. No we were not going to watch a movie, we surprised the people
that came out of the movie. Starting at 4 pm with Nimetön and the beautiful
female voice of Inka Halme. Everybody in the cinema lobby was inspirit and
enjoyed great live music. As Nimetön performed everybody was sitting on the
stairs and listening and Face of God finally made the people get up and come in
front to dance and have fun. Red bull girls filled the guys up with a bit more
cans. Face of God music and the taste of red bull belong already together :)
Our young ladies were dancing and singing again and finally the absolute new
beautiful song Diamond got shoot by luomustudio production. A song that goes
under your skin ;)
And poor Oscar needed to tape his finger
that he could continue playing, that´s really rock´n´roll. There was no need
for movies, the show of our guys were much better. Afterward sun and sitting on
the terrace for a few drinks, yep summer is coming.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Day 3 and 4 ONE WORLD TOUR
03.05.2012 Face of God was playing
in the old primary school of singer and guitarist Leo Stillman in Käpylä. The
guys had a lot of fun in there to entertain the kids. And the kids loved it to
listen and having fun with the band. Also Leo´s brother Hugo went to the same
school and was with them that day. 

04.05.2012 was the culture day. The most challenging
gig till now, in Helsinki´s culture tram. Not just the shaking was a problem
also too many people in the tram, we need to wait with setting up everything
till it was not so crowded anymore. But our rock trio Benjamin, Leo and Oscar
managed that so well, with lot of fun. The tram show was awesome. A group of
cute girls were following the show and they all knew the lyrics so well and
sang them very amazing. Leo was really proud. We left the tram at Stockmann and
Face of God busy, busy went straight to Vanha Kuppila to have a soundcheck.
In Vanha Kuppila was a gig as well that night around 10 pm also the girls from the tram follow to there. Awesome acoustic show again in Vanha Kuppila, the young ladies were singing the lyrics with our Trio. Who would not fall in love with Face of God? ;) Leo made the girls very proud and performed 2 new songs in private for them. It was nice to listen to the new songs and how should it be: crazy and very well done lyrics. Leo Stillman comment that is very nice to have very day a gig and see different people and friends all the time. Thank you Face of God for yesterday. Today Tennispalatsi at 16.00 together with Nimetön. Don´t miss it, singer Inka from Nimetön is Finland´s hottest female performer :) Enjoy the ONE WORLD TOUR
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Day 2: Kaisaniemi metro station
Summer time, ice cream and Face of God in the tunnel of kasianiemi metro. Woooooooow so good live music in the metro tunnel and lot of cameras around the place. People that went by were confused, surprised, scared and joined the crowd that surrounded Face of God. Amazing voice, even without mike or any technical equipment. Our guys have talent. Highlight was a woman with bike that got followed by Lende with guitar. Very entertaining, but she didn´t seemed so happy. One other woman stepped by and shared her experience with phone. "Can you hear this?" Yep that is great acoustic music that makes people in the crowd sing. Elephant and Fire were screamed through the tunnel. Finally everybody knows the lyrics. ONE WORLD TOUR join it and take part, don´t miss the fun we all had today. And Face of God is so motivated with this tour that today again more songs then planned were played. Fucking amazing. Tomorrow Käpylän with Iconcrash in Leo Stillman´s old comprehensive school. Be there and don´t miss it at 1.00 pm. 48 gigs more to go :D A big thank you and clapping hands to our rock trio: Benjamin, Oscar and Leo!!! as well Luomustudio production.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Face of God ONE WORLD start
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picture by Nina |
“Is today Sunday, Tuesday or Monday?” singer and guitarist Lende from Face of God wasn´t so sure any more about this. The 1st of May Finland´s national hangover day can be confusing. First acoustic gig is played, just 49 more to go. Today Neat Neat supported with a great live performance. You could really feel the music, when they were playing. It kept the audience warm in the cold stone walled backyard of the restaurant and café Valimo in Suomenlinna. Face of God gave an awesome performance as well and warmed the audience up with clapping hands to the rhymes of their songs. They planned to stage 5 songs, but what an opening of the ONE WORLD tour, fucking amazing 1 h of Face of God. That gig was never going to end. "Do you want we play 2 more?" Lende asked "No" the audience screamed "4 more". Great start! One new song was performed “Diamond” as well Foo Fighter cover “Wheels”."Who has a hangover raise your hands?" Face of God asked and everybody did, surprise it was Vappu which can be described as the Finland’s carnival. Thank you Neat Neat and Face of God, you definitely played with your talent our hangover away. Well done!!! We are all waiting for tomorrow. Gig number two: 5 pm at the metro station of Kaisaniemi/Helsinki with TBA, be there and don´t miss the Face of God experience. JAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH ;)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
21.04.2012: Helsinki yesterday evening.
Still a little bit cold outside with 5 degrees. At around 10 pm a thunder storm
set in at Helsinki Kauppatori (market square). Face of God lighted up on stage
of the traditional and known "Pirates of Caribbean" boat Kathrina.
For many people it was a surprise that Helsinki´s "Jack Sparrow" also
has an awesome voice. An acoustic set was staged in the bar and restaurant of
the boat Kathrina. And we are all happy that the boat didn´t sink, because so
many people came to see the thunder storm of rock music, Face of God created with
even just an acoustic set. Talented Leo Stillman gave together with his band member
Benjamin and Osku a very nice present to the audience, with introducing 2 brand
new songs they are working at the moment on and nobody ever listen them before.
Seems like "Jack Sparrow" had been "drinking a lot" lately
;) From the amazing acoustic set that were staged on the boat to the
rock´n´roll stage of on the rocks, where an earthquake broke out. Leo and
Benjamin lost their shirts on the way and drove the audience crazy with hard
and strong guitar sounds and something to watch for the senses. Osku created
the thunder with beating the drums. The audience was engaged with all their
senses and started to quake. Dancing people, satisfied faces and fucking
rock´n´roll broke out. A perfect created atmosphere to play in and Face of God
as the best talented Newcomer band in Helsinki created the musically thunder
storm and earthquake in Helsinki city that night.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Starting the Face of God Experience!!!
Month May is going to be huge. Never happened in Finland: The "One world" tour of Face of God is going to be an experience. 50 gigs in 31 days will write Finnish history!!! Ylex publish today the official announcing. Every day will happening something very exciting. Normal gigs are too boring for our rockn´n´roll trio. They are playing in places where normally rock music is not expected: malls, restaurants, stores, inside of public transportation and everything that is out of normal. The official tour dates will be announced soon. Also other rock musicians will join the trio Face of God during month May, be ready as well for: PASA, Kuningasidea, Black Crows Break the Silence, Lassi Valtonen, Stina Girs, Hey Heather, Nimetön and Atletico Kumpula. The whole thing will be documented in a video blog with the help of Luomustudio. The sponsors for the unique event experience with Face of God are: Carlings, Redbull, Structure, Sound-Shop, Suosikki and Luomustudio.
Be ready for a lot of surprise and real rock´n´roll. JAAAUUUGGGHHHH
More info's:
join the event in Facebook:
and read the article in Ylex:
Be ready for a lot of surprise and real rock´n´roll. JAAAUUUGGGHHHH
More info's:
join the event in Facebook:
and read the article in Ylex:
Sunday, April 15, 2012
14.04.2012 The Lane in Vantaa
On this Saturday night Face of God was staging a second gig in Vantaa. It was a small Vantaa tour with already the gig at Friday in Vernissa near Tikkurila. The Lane makes it into the top 5 for the weirdest places to play. It is actually a bowling hall, but with restaurant, bar and stage facilities. Face of God: Leo, Benjamin and Oscar had a lot of fun during the show. They opened with Flow, which is one of the very first songs from Face of God. It is an "oldie" with 1,5 years age. Price of Glory and Elephant are quite new compare to Flow. And jeah we are all still waiting that the summer is coming, since Helsinki had snow again yesterday. The guys enjoyed it to play and they had really much fun with rocking around the place, jeah a bit more audience had been necessary but some people preferred to bowl and just listen to the music, which was awesome. The sound was very great. Normally from a bowling hall you would expect a not so well done sound, but this was fucking rock´n´roll. With playing Bad, One world and Fire the mood of our Trio on stage even heated more up and exploded in the end as Paranormal and Turn back the time were played. Paranormal Whorebomb was the most known and favourite song in Vantaa area. No wonder, because the song was as crazy as the place they played in. The Lane did a very well job also the backstage function were awesome. The band could enjoy free drinks, food, karaoke, a fire place and playstation three plus they could bowl for free.
Thank you Vantaa for a nice Face of God weekend.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
13.04.2012 PASA support
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Picture by Kristiina Pyykölä/Vernissa |
1. Where in Vantaa was the venue and was it a nice venue?
Feniks: Vernissa is a venua in Tikkurila. It's a really nice place with good sounds, one of my favourites.
2. Why you decided with FOG to play outside of Vantaa and not in Helsinki center?
Feniks: Because it's important to play everuwhere. We have fans also in the Vantaa-area.
3. The gig was without any agelimit. Where a lot of teenagers following it?
Feniks: Yes.
4. How went the show? How you liked Face of God as a support band? Anything that went wrong?
Feniks: The show went great. FOG is a tight band!
5. How was the atmosphere as Pasa was playing, did a lot of people follow the show?
Feniks: The atmosphere was great.We had a good party!
6. Any new songs from Pasa on stage?
Feniks: Not really, just the one.
7. How you personal like Face of God as a alternative rock band? What you think makes them special?
Feniks: They are one of my favourite new band in Finland. They are not afraid of hard work, i think that makes the special.
8. Any comment you want to leave for your fans?
Fenkis: Thank you and see you soon!!/pasaband
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@Vernissa Picture by Kristiina Pyykölä |
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Face of God - singer and guitarist Leo in the Interview
Face of God was playing a few gigs now outside of Helsinki. In Mikkeli, Tampere, Turku, Hyvinkää and Pori in the last weeks.
1. Leo how was it to play not in your home city?
Leo: We've done now lots of gigs outside of Helsinki and its always good fun. We've been lucky to see that there is always some people who knows our music and they also know the lyrics, its nice.
2. You were travelling to all those places by car, what was the greatest on the road experience?
Leo: Well the best experience was when I took a train.
(because he couldn´t fit in the small car with all the equipment on the way to Turku)
3. How was the atomosphere outside of Helsinki?
Leo: Its always nice to go outside of Helsinki to see some other towns and meet new people.
4. In which of those towns you staged the best performance? Anything that went wrong?
Leo: When we played our first show outside of Helsinki it was a nightmare. It took like 4 hours to drive there and then we didnt even have soundcheck and we only had 30 minutes to play.
5. The next upcoming gigs in the month april are in Vantaa and Helsinki. For the month may you promised a huge surprise to all Face of God fans, what can we wait for?
Leo: We are going to play 50 shows in may, its gonna be good thing. Acoustic tour.
6. Your crazy mind is producing songs every day, when we can hear them on stage? What are the newest outcomes?
Leo: We have now maybe 6 new songs, gonna play some of them soon as possible. New songs are called : New Kings, Black In The Night, God Got A Gun, Lets Get Naked, Lovers suck the death out of each other and then they spit it to us, Brothers And Sisters.
7. You were in the studio for the Havana Black cover song, when is the thing ready? Tell us more about it, what is it about?
Leo: It was good fun. Hannu ( Havana Blacks singer ) is a great fellow, it was easy to work with him cause he is such a talent.
Lot of drinking and laughing.
8. In cooperation with Luomustudio, Face of God produced a video of the song Duck on the boat Kathrina. How Luomostudio found the interested in your band? What was the idea for the video?
Leo: They are really nice guys, I heard about their thing and straight away I sent email for them. They liked the idea to shoot the video on Kathrina.
9. A lot of things happened in the last month also the Remix of Fire which was produced together with HeadHeartHands got released in the Internet. Was it weird to try a new music direction? How would you decribe the direction you tried out with HeadHeartHands?
Leo: Well it was Tatu from HHH who made the remix. We didnt do anything. But we are really proud of the song and about what tatu did, its good remix and that guy is really talented.
10. Any news, any comments you wanna leave for your fans?
Leo: Hopefully we see you all soon ! - Lende
Enjoy the luomustudio video it is a very pretty one. Back to the Face of God roods on the boat Kathrina!
as well listen into the amazing new mix of the song Fire, strange style but pretty cool:
And not to forget Face of God is playing the coming weekend 2 gigs in Vantaa/Helsinki. Everybody who has time join!
13.4.2012 live @ Vernissa w / PASA, Vantaa
14.4.2012 live @ Lane, w / Black crows break the silence, Scene 'n' chryme, Vantaa
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The brand new Face of God Promotion picture done by talented Lars Johnson |
1. Leo how was it to play not in your home city?
Leo: We've done now lots of gigs outside of Helsinki and its always good fun. We've been lucky to see that there is always some people who knows our music and they also know the lyrics, its nice.
2. You were travelling to all those places by car, what was the greatest on the road experience?
Leo: Well the best experience was when I took a train.
(because he couldn´t fit in the small car with all the equipment on the way to Turku)
3. How was the atomosphere outside of Helsinki?
Leo: Its always nice to go outside of Helsinki to see some other towns and meet new people.
4. In which of those towns you staged the best performance? Anything that went wrong?
Leo: When we played our first show outside of Helsinki it was a nightmare. It took like 4 hours to drive there and then we didnt even have soundcheck and we only had 30 minutes to play.
5. The next upcoming gigs in the month april are in Vantaa and Helsinki. For the month may you promised a huge surprise to all Face of God fans, what can we wait for?
Leo: We are going to play 50 shows in may, its gonna be good thing. Acoustic tour.
6. Your crazy mind is producing songs every day, when we can hear them on stage? What are the newest outcomes?
Leo: We have now maybe 6 new songs, gonna play some of them soon as possible. New songs are called : New Kings, Black In The Night, God Got A Gun, Lets Get Naked, Lovers suck the death out of each other and then they spit it to us, Brothers And Sisters.
7. You were in the studio for the Havana Black cover song, when is the thing ready? Tell us more about it, what is it about?
Leo: It was good fun. Hannu ( Havana Blacks singer ) is a great fellow, it was easy to work with him cause he is such a talent.
Lot of drinking and laughing.
8. In cooperation with Luomustudio, Face of God produced a video of the song Duck on the boat Kathrina. How Luomostudio found the interested in your band? What was the idea for the video?
Leo: They are really nice guys, I heard about their thing and straight away I sent email for them. They liked the idea to shoot the video on Kathrina.
9. A lot of things happened in the last month also the Remix of Fire which was produced together with HeadHeartHands got released in the Internet. Was it weird to try a new music direction? How would you decribe the direction you tried out with HeadHeartHands?
Leo: Well it was Tatu from HHH who made the remix. We didnt do anything. But we are really proud of the song and about what tatu did, its good remix and that guy is really talented.
10. Any news, any comments you wanna leave for your fans?
Leo: Hopefully we see you all soon ! - Lende
Enjoy the luomustudio video it is a very pretty one. Back to the Face of God roods on the boat Kathrina!
as well listen into the amazing new mix of the song Fire, strange style but pretty cool:
And not to forget Face of God is playing the coming weekend 2 gigs in Vantaa/Helsinki. Everybody who has time join!
13.4.2012 live @ Vernissa w / PASA, Vantaa
14.4.2012 live @ Lane, w / Black crows break the silence, Scene 'n' chryme, Vantaa
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